August 10 2023 r. ///
Breakfast with Essentials MDM in Katowice
We invite you for a technological breakfast with the Essentials MDM (formerly FAMOC) mobile device management system. The meeting is addressed to people who want to learn about the MDM solution in order to sell it effectively, but also for those who want to learn how to use it effectively on a daily basis.
We planned breakfast on September 14 in Katowice. The meeting will take place in:
Park Technologiczny Ekoenergia Woda Bezpieczeństwo
Sala C
ul. Żeliwna 38a
40-599 Katowice
We cordially invite you and encourage you to sign up. Our partners as well as customers can participate in the meeting. We will tell you about the advantages and the most important functionalities of the Essentials MDM system. We will also show how to manage the system and how to use its potential.
9:00 – 09:30 Registration and breakfast
9:30 – 11:00 Essentials MDM general information
11:00 – 11:15 Break
11:15 – 12:15 Essentials MDM in practice
12:15 – 12:30 Q&A session
12:30 End of the meeting
Please submit your participation by September 5 to:
Justyna Pawłowska
tel. 519 423 807