July 2 2023 r. ///


Free Extreme Certified Professional exam at Versim ATP

We have already informed that our authorized training center has been selected by Extreme Networks to conduct Professional exams for all certification paths. Today we have another great news! All those, who decide to complete the entire certification path with us in a given technology and want to finally certify their knowledge with the Professional exam, we offer this exam completely free of charge!

What should I do?
First of all, start by watching the free “Welcome series” prepared by Extreme Networks for a given technology. Welcome series is a series of several webinars that introduce you to the secrets of knowledge about a given Extreme solution in a very accessible way.

Then you need to sign up for individual certification. Four types trainings are held in each technology:
– installation and configuration
– management
– advanced configuration
– troubleshooting.
Each of these trainings ends with a mandatory exam. Passing the exam guarantees the granting of the appropriate certificate.

After collecting all four certificates, you can sign up for the two-stage Extreme Certified Professional exam, which is the culmination of the education and certification path in a given Extreme technology. The exam includes a theoretical part that must be passed before proceeding to the second stage – the practical exam (lab). The ECP certificate is awarded for three years.

Everyone interested in our offer gains double! First of all, by signing up for training with us, they pay the least for it, because the prices of the training we offer are the lowest on the market. Secondly, by completing the entire certification path in our ATP, they get the ECP exam for free, thus saving USD 485.

We are waiting for your registrations. The calendar of available trainings can be found here and on the Extreme DOJO portal. https://dojo.extremenetworks.com/events/list/?tribe_paged=1&tribe_event_display=list